this is how I put address bar on listpage, I just creating a new menu form and intend it to show it on address bar, but something happens it happens because you need to set IsDisplayedInContentArea for Yes now, close and open AX, 

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how to make details form

  • Jul 08, 2020

just like Journal Transfer forms, you click lines and show lines onlythis is how to make it “override init method on lines form, and do like source below for example” public void init() { HpTbStBarcJour _jour; super(); _jour = element.args().record(); HpTbStBarcUpload_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(HpTbStBarcUpload)) .addRange(fieldNum(HpTbStBarcUpload, HpTpStBarcodeId)) .value(_jour.HpTpStBarcodeId); }    

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Jails on freenas

  • Jun 24, 2020

this is my log when I’m using freebsd as web server and mysql server using nginx and php-fpm   # iocage console rsyncjail # pkg update && pkg upgrade # echo ‘sshd_enable=”YES”‘ >> /etc/rc.conf # service sshd start # pw useradd -n vivek -G wheel -s /bin/tcsh -m -d /home/vivek # passwd vivek pkg install […]

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how to consume partial picking on production order and recreating the reminding partial picking journal go to view > picking list validate remove all the log posted

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this is tutorial to create a SMTP server using Windows 2008 R2 64bit install the features smtp server Go to Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager setting the smtp server, like the pict below

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How to create SSRS report in AX 2012 tutorial for example, we’re gonna use Vendor Report to analyse this First, Open AOT, Find the Menu thank Linked to AP>Reports>Vendor>Vendor see the menu item name : vend, and menu item type: output so we know that vendor report were based on SSRSReport, now open visual studio […]

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How to Disable user to access aws vps on ssh How to Add user to access aws vps on ssh Access to your AWS Console Goto EC2 Click Key Pairs on Network & Security on the left Create Key Pair, for example: support after you click the “create key pair” button, you will shown a […]

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Just wanna give a clue how to rsync between freenas server first, you need atleast 2 freenas server, one as freenas source and other as freenas target to make it simple, use the same user login and password, because we need to access it using ssh this is the example using rsync rsync -arvz –exclude-from=/mnt/vol/itd/itmgr/exclude.txt […]

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hi all, back again in the end of 2019 I do have some tips while you uploading xls file, the common xls files when the column consists a number, it will inform the ax that the field is a number, the bad side is, we have to format it to text in xls before upload […]

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In Ax 2012, there were 2 methods (that I have found until now) to upload BOM, Using DMF (Data Migration FrameWork) or DIXF (Data Import Export FrameWork) Using Customize Modules there are pros and cons on each methods, In this article we will coverage both of those methods, but please read it with cautious because […]

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