berikut ini adalah cara cepat menginstall ax 2012 client di windows server 2008 r2 Tahap 1 install windows server 2008 r2, cukup standard edition 64 bit, siapkan hardisk sekitar 60gb, ram minimal 8GB, core minimal 4 (15 menit), usahakan gunakan ssd agar proses bisa lebih cepat rename nama server > restart, (4 menit) join domain, […]

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this alternatives // javaimport androidx.activity.OnBackPressedCallback; getOnBackPressedDispatcher().addCallback(this, new OnBackPressedCallback(true) {@Overridepublic void handleOnBackPressed() {// Back is pressed… Finishing the activityfinish();}});     reference

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error screen item xxx is locked for updates in warehouse xxx because it is being counted   the problem occurs because: the item is locked from another inventory journal, when the customizable ax unmark this source code. solution a: find other open journal that consists the same line, and remove it from that lines solution […]

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user – roles – entity

  • Oct 13, 2023

how to get list of user access with roles and entity access? select b.ENABLE,, b.NETWORKALIAS, c.AOTNAME, e.DATAAREA from SECURITYUSERROLE a inner join USERINFO b on a.USER_=b.ID inner join SECURITYROLE c on c.RECID=a.SECURITYROLE left join OMUSERROLEORGANIZATION d on d.SECURITYROLE=a.SECURITYROLE and d.USER_=b.ID left join COMPANYINFO e on e.RECID=d.OMINTERNALORGANIZATION where 1=1 and b.ENABLE=1 and a.ASSIGNMENTSTATUS=1 this query […]

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if sales order has been submitted, you cannot added more information on sales line/sales order this is we make the custom form, added status on that sales order lnes download it here important notation source: public void close() { FormDataSource ds; ; super(); ds = element.args().record().dataSource(); ds.research(true); ds.refresh(); //auto refresh to form caller } public […]

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aws ec2 ubuntu vpn client access to mikrotik ok, ill be quick on ec2 1. make sure your ecc has a security group allowed to be access to your ippublic 2. install pptpd 3. see these below script: pty “pptp your-vpn-server-ip –nolaunchpppd –debug” name username-on-vpn password password-on-vpn remotename PPTP require-mppe-128 require-mschap-v2 refuse-eap refuse-pap refuse-chap refuse-mschap […]

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berikut ini adalah content mengenai upload purchline, melakukan customisasi di ax 2012 saya upload source code nya di sini HpCsUploadPurchLine class HpCsUploadPurchLine { } private void UploadPurchLine(PurchTable _header) { //standard variable int _cnt, i, TType; int64 _total; str 100 _texttmp; Filename _filename; Filename filepath; Filename filename; Filename fileType; str fileNameString,fileNamePath; DialogField dialogFileName; Dialog dialog; str […]

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prelude I need customized budget modules In My IT Department, so i Make a simple budget IT modules this is how to do it first you need to create the project, lets call it RfPjBudget lets break down the structure before going to deep code Group SSRS list of SSRS report that we will going […]

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select NAME from SQLDICTIONARYwhere TABLEID = 505and FIELDID = 0

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c# business layer

  • Feb 04, 2022

in ax, we do have business layer call onion layer, the purpose is to separate the business layer for customization on users the concept is, layer sys will be overridden by layer gls on so on until layer usr all table and all function that customized will be replaced on those layer now, we make […]

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