ax 2012 – email sent

  • Dec 06, 2021

hi everyone,  this tutorial is how to make a email sender using ax 2012 static void HpJbTestEmail(Args _args) { #SysMailer LanguageId languageId; SMTPRelayServerName relayServer; SMTPPortNumber portNumber; SMTPUserName userName; SMTPPassword password; SysMailer mailer; System.Exception e; SysEmailParameters emailParams = SysEmailParameters::find(); str 200 messageBody; ; relayServer = emailParams.SMTPRelayServerName; portNumber = emailParams.SMTPPortNumber; userName = emailParams.SMTPUserName; password = SysEmailParameters::password(); messageBody […]

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how to create lookup form on ax 2012 see my tutorial on youtube video links 

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Axapta crashes, error message: “xPropertySetData::unpack : Property not found : 256” when starting ax client solution: stop aos, delete kti and auc files, start aos

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Got request from customer to list all item (and variant) with their latest cost price so this is the solution (download the xpo here) you can see we are using aggregate max on activation date,  

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php API on IIS encryption

  • Apr 26, 2021

this is how I do it, connecting to IIS encryption (on android java) on php bridging <?php try{ $input = $_POST[“input”]; //contoh input : NvUlnUqBh1vvDWWoGvELKTwAKv9yKEBSYvfdTXNY2HUhPydLhzLhbBuB0FuBtlcSaTw2hyY2Ln8vmACu02knnxmzzCSaUtKBWwNcdCsAkTk= if($input != “”) { error_reporting(E_ALL); define(‘_HP_WEBSERVICE_URL_’,’’); define(‘_HP_WEBSERVICE_NAMESPACE_’,’http://sirait.highpoint/’); $webservice = new SoapClient(_HP_WEBSERVICE_URL_, array(‘soap_version’ => SOAP_1_1, ‘uri’ => _HP_WEBSERVICE_NAMESPACE_)); $request = array(‘Input’ => $input); $action = $webservice->Mobile($request); $result = $action->MobileResult; } else […]

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I will provide the content by screen shoot private void disclaimer() { //created by ronny //20210204 11:08 //and will be published on official websites } public class ReportRun extends ObjectRun { } public Container GenerateQRCode( str param) { FileIOPermission perm; BinData binData; container imageContainer; str 5000 tempFileName2; HpgCsFunction _f = new HpgCsFunction(); System.String netString; Microsoft.Dynamics.QRCode.Encoder […]

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belajar golang di linux

  • Sep 07, 2020

(bahasa indonesia) point point penting dalam belajar golang instalasi golang siapkan enviroment sistemnya, saya menggunakan ubuntu LTS 18.04 download file berikut ini: wget extract file tersebut : sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz edit /etc/profile : sudo nano /etc/profile tambahkan source ini ke baris paling akhir : export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin untuk mengetes apakah sudah berhasil […]

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this is how I put address bar on listpage, I just creating a new menu form and intend it to show it on address bar, but something happens it happens because you need to set IsDisplayedInContentArea for Yes now, close and open AX, 

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how to make batch job

  • Jul 09, 2020

this is how to make batch job on ax 2012 this image below is self explanatory create a class Class Name : HpCsBtUpdate.processRecords See the pict above [SysEntryPointAttribute(false)] Info(“xxx”) will be as Log Batch create a menu action Object Type : Class Object : SysOperation Parameters : HpCsBtUpdate.processRecords Execute the menu action

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how to make details form

  • Jul 08, 2020

just like Journal Transfer forms, you click lines and show lines onlythis is how to make it “override init method on lines form, and do like source below for example” public void init() { HpTbStBarcJour _jour; super(); _jour = element.args().record(); HpTbStBarcUpload_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(HpTbStBarcUpload)) .addRange(fieldNum(HpTbStBarcUpload, HpTpStBarcodeId)) .value(_jour.HpTpStBarcodeId); }    

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