Setting untuk Windows 10 Home Edition Bagi anda yang menggunakan Windows 10 Home edition, ada setting tambahan yang perlu dilakukan. Berikut langkah-langkahnya : Tekan Win+Q untuk membuka Taskbar Search.Ketik regedit di area teks kosong dan tekan tombol Enter. Klik Ya saat UAC meminta izin.Saat Anda mengakses Registry Editor, silahkan anda masuk ke path berikut;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\SystemSetelah berada […]

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i have windows 10 home SL edition, while I tried to connect to windows 2016 RDP, i got error like this if you have windows 10 home SL edition, you cannot apply patch for this caseyou have to edit your windows 10 client registry this is how to do it run cmd in administrator mode, […]

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this is tutorial to create a SMTP server using Windows 2008 R2 64bit install the features smtp server Go to Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager setting the smtp server, like the pict below

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we using Hyper-V in failover clustering to operate our operation server suddenly after restart some of our VM, the VM cannot be reboot the status vm is saved solution: delete saved state on this vm, and try to start again

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we do have 2 active directory domain controller server each server replicate every days, but suddenly it stops working the error shows here: effects: because we’re use both server to access remote desktop apps, the users setting will not synchronize, solution: install active directory module for windows powershell run this shell as administrator type this […]

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Error: Removing then adding a type with the same name can cause a name duplication error in the .NET Framework assembly that is generated from the AOT. A full regeneration of Microsoft .NET CIL is required to fix the issue The CIL generator found errors and could not save the new assembly.   Solution: Full […]

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in case you living daily without remote desktop activity, You won’t know there recently problem occurred while updating security updates on windows 10 KB4103727. You may notice that suddenly connection to a production server by remote desktop has been failed An authentication error has occured, the function requested is not supported. Remote desktop <your rdp […]

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while you tried to first time install ax, you must do the step by step and when you got into database synchronize there was an error ax 2012 error : text synchronize database specified field modelid of datasource projparameters does not exists in the database or the configuration key on the field solution: turn on […]

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It was a sunny day, no user aware that day would be the hardest day as an ax administrator, it was a crash day for AOS (application object server) We were uploading a custom class modification (RPTRFP_DP class) using a CUS layer, while we’re import it, there was a layer conflict (USR vs CUS), we […]

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there are a few things that you must check while you restore the live database to development server, if you wants to activate your work flow check the batch server, make sure that the batch server links to development server Watch the check box “is batch server”, look at “maximum batch threads start time and […]

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