[python] bilangan pascal

  • Jan 03, 2019

pascal triangle number in python def factorial(n): k = 1 for i in range(1,n+1): k *= i return k output = “” n = 10 print(“Bilangan pascal”,n,”baris”) for i in range(0,n): output = “” for j in range(i): output += str(int(factorial(i) / (factorial(j) * factorial(i-j)))) + ” ” output += “1” print(output)

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[python] prime number

  • Jan 03, 2019

this is prime number code in python print(“Membuat tampilan bilangan prima dari 1-100”) numBig = 100 banyak = 0 for a in range(2, numBig) : prima = 1 num = a for i in range(2,num): if(num % i) == 0: prima += 1 if prima < 2: print(num, “adalah bilangan prima”) banyak += 1 print(“dari”,numBig,”angka, […]

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while you installing ax 2009 from fresh, sometimes you get error on installing reporting services extension, the error was failed to install internet information services. how to solve it: copy all setup file in ax 2009 iso files find files ServerManagerCmdInputIIS.xml find word : Feature Id=”NET-XPS-Viewer” change it to : Feature Id=”XPS-Viewer”

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Error: Removing then adding a type with the same name can cause a name duplication error in the .NET Framework assembly that is generated from the AOT. A full regeneration of Microsoft .NET CIL is required to fix the issue The CIL generator found errors and could not save the new assembly.   Solution: Full […]

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[ax 2012] tips and tricks

  • Sep 26, 2018

last update 20180926-1655 Tips and Tricks on AX: My Object in Forms is missing, right click on the forms -> personalize -> reset I suddenly hide FactBoxes File -> View -> FactBoxes Error While Compiling or Generate Incremental CIL Restart AOS, Generate Full CIL Error Dynamics AX AOS not started contact your administrator for start […]

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We received an request from our user,  an error, this morning while user wants to cancel the sales order, the error was: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or […]

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in ax, we use table to transaction, and log transactions, and temporary table for report and printing sometimes the table is very big (contains alot of unused record), this is why we do need to check the database (specially the log table), so we can delete the record and reindex it SELECT t.NAME AS TableName, […]

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in ax, during your customization, sometimes you have do the custom wrong for example, in ax, in inventory system, sometimes we do creating a inventtrans transaction that might be forget to using Update() syntax (and we using DoUpdate() syntax) we forget to deactivate allow negative stock, and we force it to active allow negative stock […]

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A couple months ago, I was planning to use SSAS to analyze our sales invoice, I was using database table trigger, so I donot need to requery the big data I create a table destination, which input from CustInvoiceJour transaction (insert/update/delete) what I did wrong is, I create the database destination using AX AOT the […]

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in case you living daily without remote desktop activity, You won’t know there recently problem occurred while updating security updates on windows 10 KB4103727. You may notice that suddenly connection to a production server by remote desktop has been failed An authentication error has occured, the function requested is not supported. Remote desktop <your rdp […]

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