how to get financial dimension on ax 2012 and update it
Q : we have case that all customers financial dimension department must change because one of two reason, the old customer financial dimension from 111130 must change to 111135, how to do it?
A : we can do that with sql server query. First of All, we must know the old recid dimension, how to do it?, see the query below
select c.defaultdimension, dav.* c.* from custtable c inner join DEFAULTDIMENSIONVIEW dav on dav.defaultdimension=c.defaultdimension where c.dataareaid=@DataAreaID
from the query above, we will knew the current defaultdimension from the customers.
then what dimension you should replace, just by analyze this query below
after you have analyze two of query above, you just only update the custTable.defaultdimension by defaultdimensionview.RecID reference