trying install odoo17

  • Jul 26, 2024

install ubuntu 18.04 on your pc active port ssh non standard, example 50022 install nano wget neofetch crontab -e on root @reboot /root/   nano, fill this code systemctl restart sshd systemctl restart ssh   chmod 777 create new user, with sudoer, (install visudo), example adduser ronny access sudoer with password less apt-get […]

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this alternatives // javaimport androidx.activity.OnBackPressedCallback; getOnBackPressedDispatcher().addCallback(this, new OnBackPressedCallback(true) {@Overridepublic void handleOnBackPressed() {// Back is pressed… Finishing the activityfinish();}});     reference

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error screen item xxx is locked for updates in warehouse xxx because it is being counted   the problem occurs because: the item is locked from another inventory journal, when the customizable ax unmark this source code. solution a: find other open journal that consists the same line, and remove it from that lines solution […]

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berikut ini adalah cara menambah karyawan di accurate online buka dan login pilih pt pilih perusahaan > karyawan isikan data karyawan sbb klik penjual, bila dia adalah penjual, dan masukkan akun accuratenya sebagai login penjual fungsi ini akan bisa dilakukan bila akses pengguna ditambah

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berikut ini adalah cara melakukan upload/tambah data barang dan jasa di accurate ada 3 cara: cara import cara input data cara buat data   cara buat data buka, login dan pilih ptmtl select klik buat data isikan sebagai contoh di bawah pilih standar akun nya simpan, dengan klik tombol simpan sebelah kanan   cara […]

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berikut ini cara melakukan setup accurate online untuk ptmtl buka, daftar dan join, bisa menggunakan google account isikan setup awal sbb di gambar bawah karena ptmtl menggunakan inventory fifo maka metode biaya persediaan yang berbasis FIFO pilih selanjutnya pilih accurate online pilih selanjutnya centang daftar perkiraan bila anda ingin gunakan standard account di accurate […]

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berikut ini adalah cara akses freeday dengan API c# di data dolphin sebelumnya anda harus memiliki compiled project addonsVC.EnumHelper, addonsVC.MapHelper, dan addonsVC.Project.HRM using addonsVC.EnumHelper; using addonsVC.MapHelper; using AddonsVC.Project.HRM; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace pjGetFreeDay { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { MenampilkanHariLibur(); } static void MenampilkanHariLibur() { […]

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user – roles – entity

  • Oct 13, 2023

how to get list of user access with roles and entity access? select b.ENABLE,, b.NETWORKALIAS, c.AOTNAME, e.DATAAREA from SECURITYUSERROLE a inner join USERINFO b on a.USER_=b.ID inner join SECURITYROLE c on c.RECID=a.SECURITYROLE left join OMUSERROLEORGANIZATION d on d.SECURITYROLE=a.SECURITYROLE and d.USER_=b.ID left join COMPANYINFO e on e.RECID=d.OMINTERNALORGANIZATION where 1=1 and b.ENABLE=1 and a.ASSIGNMENTSTATUS=1 this query […]

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if sales order has been submitted, you cannot added more information on sales line/sales order this is we make the custom form, added status on that sales order lnes download it here important notation source: public void close() { FormDataSource ds; ; super(); ds = element.args().record().dataSource(); ds.research(true); ds.refresh(); //auto refresh to form caller } public […]

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Sometimes if you experience this error

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