thanks to Robert Tattersall to share the article about InventSite and LogisticsPostalAddress I’d copied here incase this article moved/deleted 5 May 2016 9:27 PM This document explains technical details for connecting Site with it’s address and contact information (e.g. phone, and email), and should help anyone who is attempting to customize existing code, or write new code, […]

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this is what I’ve found while playing LogisticsPostalAddress X++ query this is the first part of logisticspostaladdress, see the part 2 here I created a X++ query like this source below select LogisticsPostalAddress where LogisticsPostalAddress.RecId=5637155184 the result was 0 the problem is, the record was exists on the table, but why it is hidden on […]

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I got a project form that calculate fields on the grid on fly, we can use a display method for this solution so this is how I do it on the datasource ds, we create a method, and we passed the method on the grid

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void clicked() { super(); startLengthyOperation(); sysDatabaseLog_ds.research(); endLengthyOperation(); } thanks to msdn, let me copy paste the links and the article here How to: Create Progress Indicators Dynamics AX 2009 Other Versions Use a progress indicator during operations that take more than 2 seconds. Use an hourglass mouse pointer if the process takes 2-7 seconds. Use […]

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Tips Reference Category Group Fields We need to add information about salesman according each address on these customers This is how we did it Go to AOT, open form LogisticsPostalAddress  open table LogisticsPostalAddress fill the property like the picture below while you type extended data type, please aware, there will be warning box “to add […]

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select statement in x++

  • Sep 04, 2017

Im copy paste the manual from msdn about select statement in x++, I hope it usefull for ax programmer Select Statement Syntax [AX 2012] Updated: February 3, 2012 Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 SelectStatement = select Parameters Parameters [ [  FindOptions  ] [  FieldList  from ] […]

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while we creating direct delivery from sales order, it raised an error: direct delivery and intercompany purchase orders cannot be created for vendor [….], because change management is enabled and required for this vendor how to solve it: go to master vendor, find the vendors make sure that override settings, activate change management, and allow […]

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Hi Guys, case is, I have visual studio 2013 ultimate for deploying and modifying AX SSRS report, suddenly i have an error while I was deploying the reports   the error is: Error 1 An error occurred : Access is denied.Error 1 An error occurred : Access is denied. If User Account Control (UAC) is […]

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as default, di ax 2012 customer master page there are no “search name” column shows, the question is how to show this column solution: open AOT Goto Form CustTableListPage  Look at Datasources->DirPartyTable->Fields->Name Alias  Drag this field into the grid  Compile and reopen ax    and the result is :  

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ax enterprise license is tough, we should beware about licensing ax, there is huge price difference between ax license, this source below is jobs to get ax license enterprise list static void Gabungan5_ronnytes(Args _args) { //created by ronny, 2013-01-04 //fungsi table lisensi aktif SysUserLicenseCount uc; container con; int i; SysSecRoleEntryPointsTmp srepTbl; SysUserLicenseMetadataTmp slsaTmp; SecurityRole securityRole; […]

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