berikut ini adalah cara akses freeday dengan API c# di data dolphin sebelumnya anda harus memiliki compiled project addonsVC.EnumHelper, addonsVC.MapHelper, dan addonsVC.Project.HRM using addonsVC.EnumHelper; using addonsVC.MapHelper; using AddonsVC.Project.HRM; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace pjGetFreeDay { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { MenampilkanHariLibur(); } static void MenampilkanHariLibur() { […]

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c# business layer

  • Feb 04, 2022

in ax, we do have business layer call onion layer, the purpose is to separate the business layer for customization on users the concept is, layer sys will be overridden by layer gls on so on until layer usr all table and all function that customized will be replaced on those layer now, we make […]

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i need to remove file that contains some string but need to do it on terminal this is how to doitfind . | xargs grep -l | awk ‘{print “rm “$1}’ > doit.shvi // check for murphy and his lawsource find . | xargs grep -l | awk ‘{print “rm “$1}’ […]

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I will provide the content by screen shoot private void disclaimer() { //created by ronny //20210204 11:08 //and will be published on official websites } public class ReportRun extends ObjectRun { } public Container GenerateQRCode( str param) { FileIOPermission perm; BinData binData; container imageContainer; str 5000 tempFileName2; HpgCsFunction _f = new HpgCsFunction(); System.String netString; Microsoft.Dynamics.QRCode.Encoder […]

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if you have mikrotik on your place and your ISP not allowing static ip public, you still connect the no-ip ddns using this script below why we do need this script? if your ISP not allowing using static ip public, your internet ip public will change everytime the ISP services restart #Script created and modified […]

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thanks to fguaman for share the source in github, you can copy the source here but for backup purposes, i will copy paste it here c# using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; /** * * @author fguaman */ public abstract class AES { public static String doEncryptAES(String plainText, String key) { […]

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how to consume partial picking on production order and recreating the reminding partial picking journal go to view > picking list validate remove all the log posted

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How to integrate c# projects into dynamics ax 2012 i put the tutorial on the youtube links here for the source code AxRTCSharp

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[python] fibonacci number

  • Jan 03, 2019

this is fibonacci number in python n = 10 print(“membuat bilangan fibionaci”, n) a = 0 b = 1 c = 0 print(b) for i in range(0, n): c = a + b print(c) a = b b = c

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[python] bilangan pascal

  • Jan 03, 2019

pascal triangle number in python def factorial(n): k = 1 for i in range(1,n+1): k *= i return k output = “” n = 10 print(“Bilangan pascal”,n,”baris”) for i in range(0,n): output = “” for j in range(i): output += str(int(factorial(i) / (factorial(j) * factorial(i-j)))) + ” ” output += “1” print(output)

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