septday septday, we got an error, we got crash app ax
that was I thought when I see this errors

Application: Ax32.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The Process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException at <Module>.NavigationPaneHost.LoadMenuW(NavigationPaneHost*) at <Module>._wWinMainCRTStartup()
why this is happen:
It would happen when you have a developer on the same time access the AOT object and edited the form/object that you were using,
the AOS thinks to synchronize your AOT from the other developer, that means you have an older version of these object, but while you close it, the ax cache on your setting does not update it, so after you close the ax, and you reopened again, you will shown these error log
the solution is, exit your ax client, delete auc and kti files on your appdata/local folder, run again the ax client, that mean you ax client will be forced to recompile from the aos the latest modified object
if thats not working, try to recompile generate cil, or full cil, delete your auc and kti files, and restarted the AOS service, that would do