Home others ax 2012 – how to upload BOM

ax 2012 – how to upload BOM

In Ax 2012, there were 2 methods (that I have found until now) to upload BOM,

  1. Using DMF (Data Migration FrameWork) or DIXF (Data Import Export FrameWork)
  2. Using Customize Modules

there are pros and cons on each methods,

In this article we will coverage both of those methods, but please read it with cautious because it works on my development server that doesn’t mean works also on your server

Before we go any further, I’m going to make item PC Set which consists of RAM and Harddrive

the goals is to make this BOM transaction

Using DMF to Upload BOM

we’re going to use DMF, using this method wasn’t bad at all, it cut cost for customizing form, but be prepared of this DMF because we’re going need some tools

first tool is DataImportExportFrameWork.zip (you will need this if you’re using ax 2012, ax 2012 FP) or if you were using AX 2012 R2 you can find from CU7 installation

after you install the DataImportExportFrameWork, check the “Data Import/Export FrameWork Service”, “AOS Component” and “Client Component”

this image is copyright to ax.caritelp.com

after you finished install these update, restart the AOS and reopen your AX client, you will find a new menu’s modules called “Data Import Export Framework” (see the picture below)

Click on Setup>”Data Import Export Framework Parameters”

If the installation success, it will shows like the picture above, see the Service Connection url, remember to open the “7000” port on your firewall, and create a folder on “C:\DMF”

click on Setup > “Source Data Formats”

remember, file format in this example is csv file, not xls file

I’m going to create new source name called CSVC with the parameters above, it means we will upload a CSV file with comma as delimited

Now we’re gonna continue to create a processing group, go to Common > Processing Group, and create new group name called “BOM Upload”

click “BOM Upload” and click Entities and input the line like picture below (remember to sequence the line)

click generate source file on “BOM Version”

choose the fields that your gonna upload, click “generate sample file” to see the sample, fill the file (this is my example file)

do the same thing with BOM (this is my example file)

after your user fill the file, then you should link it to your sample file (see the picture above)
Click Generate Source Mapping to mapping your sample file with entities, if your file is correct, it will shows messages like the picture above
click modify source mapping to edit manual the mapping, this is usually used by user that has a custom field header
click validate to validate the sample file
click preview source file to see the csv upload

after we finished to create the entities, we continued to “Get Staging Data”

Click OK
click run, and OK
if the import success, it will shows like this info

then click “copy data to target” to copy from staging to tables, pick the jobs, and press ok

after press “OK”, click “RUN”
it will shows a batch processing job, press OK
if import success-ed, it will shows you this info,
upload success

after upload success, user can continue to approved and activated the bom, the reason that Im not showing you auto activate and auto approve because we need user to re-verify the bom


So, we already showed how to upload using BOM, but the steps was too scary for common users, except the user was already familiar with the bom forms

We do have alternatif, we gonna use a modules to upload BOM, I have upload the xpo here

there is 3 tables we need to be inserted, there is BOMVersion, BOM and BOMTable

I am using MeEdtGuidId as extended Data Type as Temporary Key, HpgTbTmpBOMUpload is a temporary table before inserted to BOMVersion, BOM and BOMTable (see the download files)

this is the source code:

static void ExcelImport()
    //RF 20190723 - upload bom, req pak jaya
    Dialog                  dialog;
    DialogField             dialogFileName;
    Filename                filename;
    SysOperationProgress    simpleProgress;
    Container               filterCriteria;

    SysExcelApplication     application;
    SysExcelWorkbooks       workbooks;
    SysExcelWorkbook        workbook;
    SysExcelWorksheets      worksheets;
    SysExcelWorksheet       worksheet;
    SysExcelCells           cells;
    SysExcelCell            cell;
    COMVariantType          type;
    int                     row = 1, countrow;


    BOMTable                _BomTable;
    BOMVersion              _BomVersion;
    BOM                     _Bom;
    HpgTbTmpBOMUpload       _temp, _temp2, _temp3;

    InventDim               _InventDim;
    InventTable             _item;

    str                     startNewLine;
    int                     counterNewLine;

    MeEdtGuidId             GuidId;
    HpgCsBOMUpload          _app = new HpgCsBOMUpload();

    application = SysExcelApplication::construct();
    workbooks = application.workbooks();

    dialog = new Dialog("Importing Excel File");
    dialogFileName = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(Filenameopen), "File Name");
    filterCriteria = ['*.xls'];
    filterCriteria = dialog.filenameLookupFilter(filterCriteria);

    if (dialog.run())
        filename = dialogFileName.value();

    catch (Exception::Error)
        throw error(strFmt("File cannot be opened."));

    workbook = workbooks.item(1);
    worksheets = workbook.worksheets();
    worksheet = worksheets.itemFromNum(1);
    cells = worksheet.cells();

    GuidId = Winapi::createGUID();

    select forupdate _temp where _temp.GuidId == GuidId;

    simpleProgress = new SysOperationProgress();
    simpleProgress.setCaption("Retrieving from XLS");

        simpleProgress.setText(strFmt("Row %", row));

        _temp.GuidId = GuidId;
        _temp.B1BOMId           = cells.item(row, 1).value().bStr();
        if(_temp.B1BOMId != startNewLine)
            startNewLine = _temp.B1BOMId;
            counterNewLine = 1;
        _temp.B1BomName         = cells.item(row, 2).value().bStr();
        _temp.B1ItemGroupId     = cells.item(row, 3).value().bStr();
        _temp.B1InventSiteId    = cells.item(row, 4).value().bStr();

        _temp.B2StartDate       = cells.item(row, 5).value().date();
        _temp.B2EndDate         = cells.item(row, 6).value().date();
        _temp.B2FromQty         = cells.item(row, 7).value().double();
        _temp.B2ItemId          = cells.item(row, 8).value().bStr();
        _temp.B2ConfigId        = cells.item(row, 9).value().bStr();
        _temp.B2SizeId          = cells.item(row, 10).value().bStr();
        _temp.B2ColorId         = cells.item(row, 11).value().bStr();
        _temp.B2InventSiteId    = cells.item(row, 12).value().bStr();

        _temp.B3LineNum         = counterNewLine;
        _temp.B3BOMType         = _app.getBomType(cells.item(row, 13).value().bStr());
        _temp.B3BOMConsumpType  = _app.getBOMConsumpType(cells.item(row, 14).value().bStr());

        _temp.B3ItemId          = cells.item(row, 15).value().bStr();
        _temp.B3BOMQty          = cells.item(row, 16).value().double();
        _temp.B3BOMQtySerie     = cells.item(row, 17).value().double();
        _temp.B3InventSiteId    = cells.item(row, 18).value().bStr();
        _temp.B3WMSLocationId   = cells.item(row, 19).value().bStr();
        _temp.B3ConfigId        = cells.item(row, 20).value().bStr();
        _temp.B3SizeId          = cells.item(row, 21).value().bStr();
        _temp.B3ColorId         = cells.item(row, 22).value().bStr();
        _temp.B3UnitId          = cells.item(row, 23).value().bStr();
        _temp.B3InventLocationId = cells.item(row, 24).value().bStr();

        type = cells.item(row+1, 1).value().variantType();
    } while (type != COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY);
    countrow =0;
    select _temp where _temp.GuidId == GuidId;
        //generate BOM Table
        while select _temp
            group by _temp.B1BOMId, _temp.B1BomName, _temp.B1InventSiteId,
            where _temp.GuidId == GuidId
            select forUpdate _BomTable where _BomTable.BOMId==_temp.B1BOMId;
                _BomTable.BOMId = _temp.B1BOMId;
                _BomTable.Name  = _temp.B1BomName;
                _BomTable.SiteId = _temp.B1InventSiteId;
                _BomTable.ItemGroupId = _temp.B1ItemGroupId;

                error(strFmt("BOM tidak bisa diupload karena sudah approved, kode bom %1", _temp.B1BOMId));
                delete_from _BomVersion where _BomVersion.BOMId == _temp.B1BOMId;
                delete_from _BOM where _BOM.BOMId == _temp.B1BOMId;

                //bom version
                select forupdate _BomVersion where _BomVersion.BOMId == _temp.B1BOMId;
                while select _temp2
                    group by
                        _temp2.B2StartDate, _temp2.B2EndDate, _temp2.B2FromQty,
                        _temp2.B2ItemId, _temp2.B2ConfigId, _temp2.B2SizeId,
                        _temp2.B2ColorId, _temp2.B2InventSiteId
                    where _temp2.GuidId == GuidId
                        && _temp2.B1BOMId == _temp.B1BOMId
                    _BomVersion.BOMId = _temp.B1BOMId;
                    _BomVersion.Name  = _temp.B1BomName;
                    _BomVersion.FromDate = _temp2.B2StartDate;
                    _BomVersion.ToDate = _temp2.B2EndDate;
                    _BomVersion.FromQty = _temp2.B2FromQty;
                    _BomVersion.ItemId = _temp2.B2ItemId;

                    _Item = InventTable::find(_BomVersion.ItemId);
                            _inventDim.configId = _temp2.B2ConfigId;
                            _inventDim.InventSizeId = _temp2.B2SizeId;
                            _inventDim.InventColorId = _temp2.B2ColorId;
                        _inventDim.InventSiteId = _temp2.B2InventSiteId;
                        _inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(_inventDim);
                        _BomVersion.InventDimId = _inventDim.inventDimId;


                select forUpdate _BOM where _Bom.BOMId==_temp.B1BOMId;
                while select _temp3 where _temp3.B1BOMId==_temp.B1BOMId
                    && _temp3.GuidId == GuidId
                    simpleProgress.setText(strFmt("Insert %1 of %2", countrow, row));
                    _Bom.BOMId          = _temp3.B1BOMId;
                    _Bom.BOMConsump     = _temp3.B3BOMConsumpType;
                    _Bom.BOMQty         = _temp3.B3BOMQty;
                    _Bom.BOMQtySerie    = _temp3.B3BOMQtySerie;
                    _Bom.BOMType        = _temp3.B3BOMType;
                    _Bom.ItemId         = _temp3.B3ItemId;
                    _Item = InventTable::find(_Bom.ItemId);
                            _inventDim.configId = _temp3.B3ConfigId;
                            _inventDim.InventSizeId = _temp3.B3SizeId;
                            _inventDim.InventColorId = _temp3.B3ColorId;

                        _inventDim.InventSiteId = _temp3.B3InventSiteId;
                        _InventDim.wMSLocationId    = _temp3.B3WMSLocationId;
                        _InventDim.InventLocationId = _temp3.B3InventLocationId;
                        _inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(_inventDim);
                        _Bom.InventDimId = _inventDim.inventDimId;

                    _Bom.LineNum = _temp3.B3LineNum;
                    _Bom.UnitId = _temp3.B3UnitId;


    info(strFmt("upload done for %1 rows", row-1));

How to use this modules?

Goto Inventory and Warehouse Management > Common > Bill of Material

click function > Upload BOM
pick the xls and press “OK”
if success, there will be an info like the picture above
upload result

please see my xls files here

the xls files preview

so, that’s it, long article, I hope this article is helpful to all



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