Axapta crashes, error message: “xPropertySetData::unpack : Property not found : 256” when starting ax client solution: stop aos, delete kti and auc files, start aos

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Got request from customer to list all item (and variant) with their latest cost price so this is the solution (download the xpo here) you can see we are using aggregate max on activation date,  

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if you using aws for your ubuntu vps instance, just do this step1. check your log on /var/log/2. check your linux kernel header if your linux kernel header is too big, just purge itsudo apt-get autoremove and keep your header i did that and freed up until 2.9GB

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i need to remove file that contains some string but need to do it on terminal this is how to doitfind . | xargs grep -l | awk ‘{print “rm “$1}’ > doit.shvi // check for murphy and his lawsource find . | xargs grep -l | awk ‘{print “rm “$1}’ […]

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php API on IIS encryption

  • Apr 26, 2021

this is how I do it, connecting to IIS encryption (on android java) on php bridging <?php try{ $input = $_POST[“input”]; //contoh input : NvUlnUqBh1vvDWWoGvELKTwAKv9yKEBSYvfdTXNY2HUhPydLhzLhbBuB0FuBtlcSaTw2hyY2Ln8vmACu02knnxmzzCSaUtKBWwNcdCsAkTk= if($input != “”) { error_reporting(E_ALL); define(‘_HP_WEBSERVICE_URL_’,’’); define(‘_HP_WEBSERVICE_NAMESPACE_’,’http://sirait.highpoint/’); $webservice = new SoapClient(_HP_WEBSERVICE_URL_, array(‘soap_version’ => SOAP_1_1, ‘uri’ => _HP_WEBSERVICE_NAMESPACE_)); $request = array(‘Input’ => $input); $action = $webservice->Mobile($request); $result = $action->MobileResult; } else […]

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I will provide the content by screen shoot private void disclaimer() { //created by ronny //20210204 11:08 //and will be published on official websites } public class ReportRun extends ObjectRun { } public Container GenerateQRCode( str param) { FileIOPermission perm; BinData binData; container imageContainer; str 5000 tempFileName2; HpgCsFunction _f = new HpgCsFunction(); System.String netString; Microsoft.Dynamics.QRCode.Encoder […]

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I have mikrotik router in my place, I have only private ip, so im using noip ddns to set my private ip to my domain the problem is, I cannot access my mikrotik if im using ssh from wan the trick is NAT mikrotik this is the solution Create New NAT Rule chain > dstnat […]

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if you have mikrotik on your place and your ISP not allowing static ip public, you still connect the no-ip ddns using this script below why we do need this script? if your ISP not allowing using static ip public, your internet ip public will change everytime the ISP services restart #Script created and modified […]

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I have an android project using map after I migrate to other pc, the map is not showing how to solve it? when you move your project to other pc, your keystore is changing, so, if you want to activate it follow this instruction get the key tools keytool -list -v -keystore “%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore” -alias androiddebugkey […]

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thanks to fguaman for share the source in github, you can copy the source here but for backup purposes, i will copy paste it here c# using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; /** * * @author fguaman */ public abstract class AES { public static String doEncryptAES(String plainText, String key) { […]

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