this source below is x++ source code to upload tradeagreement di ax 2012
can be modified for other use,
static void ron_TradeAgreement_ver2(Args _args) { //created by ronny febri //date created 12-12-2013 //revision 2017-03-08 17:42 //upload data trade agreement and autoclosed old trade agreement //versi ini mirip dengan versi sebelumnya, //perbedaannya, adanya perbaikan pada saat closed tradeagreementnya (yang benar) //dan bisa digunakan untuk upload tradeagreement secara umum, //perhatikan pada baris paling bawah, harus setting transaction models nya //nama file xlsx nya Filename FileNamePath = 'F:\\MTL_-06938.xlsx'; #AviFiles SysOperationProgress progress = new SysOperationProgress(); #WinApi #File SysExcelApplication application = SysExcelApplication::construct(); SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks = application.workbooks(); SysExcelWorkbook workbook; SysExcelWorksheets workSheets; SysExcelWorksheet workSheet; SysExcelCells cells; SysExcelCell cell; str itemId; int LengthRows = 2440; int ron_UploadTradeAgreement(PriceType TradeAgreementType) { int i=0, j=0; Filename Filename; InventTable invtable; InventDim _inventDim; InventTable _inventtable; PriceDiscAdmTable _pricediscadmtable; PriceDiscAdmTrans _pricediscadmtrans; EnumId AccCode,ItemCode; PriceDiscTable _pricedisctable; //date tgl; int TType; ; startLengthyOperation(); switch(TradeAgreementType) { case PriceType::PricePurch: case PriceType::LineDiscPurch: case PriceType::MultiLineDiscPurch: case PriceType::EndDiscPurch: TType = ModuleInventCustVend::Vend; break; case PriceType::PriceSales: case PriceType::LineDiscSales: case PriceType::MultiLineDiscSales: case PriceType::EndDiscSales: TType = ModuleInventCustVend::Cust; break; } if (!WinAPI::fileExists(FileNamePath)) throw error(strfmt("@SYS109820", FileNamePath)); if (, false /*Update links*/, true /*Read only*/)) { workbook = workbooks.item(1); workSheets = workbook.worksheets(); workSheet = workSheets.itemFromNum(1); //worksheet keberapa dari excel di mulai dari angka 1 cells = workSheet.cells(); i = 3; while (true) { progress.setCaption('Progress'); progress.setText(strfmt("Row %1", i-2)); progress.setTotal(LengthRows); progress.setCount(i-2, 1); if (cells.item(i, 2).value().bStr() == "" || i > 65536) break; else { ttsBegin; try { itemId = cells.item(i, 6).value().bStr(); select firstonly _pricediscadmtable where _pricediscadmtable.JournalNum == cells.item(i, 17).value().bStr(); if (_pricediscadmtable) { _inventDim.clear(); _inventDim.configId = cells.item(i, 7).value().bStr(); _inventDim.InventSizeId = cells.item(i, 8).value().bStr(); _inventDim.InventColorId = cells.item(i, 9).value().bStr(); _inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(_inventDim); if (cells.item(i, 3).value().bStr() == "Table") AccCode = TableGroupAll::Table; else if (cells.item(i, 3).value().bStr() == "Group") AccCode = TableGroupAll::GroupId; else AccCode = TableGroupAll::All; if (cells.item(i, 5).value().bStr() == "Table") ItemCode = TableGroupAll::Table; else if (cells.item(i, 5).value().bStr() == "Group") ItemCode = TableGroupAll::GroupId; else ItemCode = TableGroupAll::All; _pricediscadmtrans.clear(); _pricediscadmtrans.AccountCode = AccCode; _pricediscadmtrans.AccountRelation = cells.item(i, 4).value().bStr(); _pricediscadmtrans.Percent1 = cells.item(i, 11).value().double(); _pricediscadmtrans.Amount = cells.item(i, 13).value().double(); _pricediscadmtrans.Currency = cells.item(i, 14).value().bStr(); _pricediscadmtrans.FromDate = cells.item(i, 15).value().date(); _pricediscadmtrans.ToDate = cells.item(i, 16).value().date(); _pricediscadmtrans.InventDimId = _inventDim.inventDimId; _pricediscadmtrans.ItemCode = ItemCode; _pricediscadmtrans.ItemRelation = cells.item(i, 6).value().bStr(); _pricediscadmtrans.JournalNum = _pricediscadmtable.JournalNum; _pricediscadmtrans.Module = TType; _pricediscadmtrans.PriceUnit = 1; _pricediscadmtrans.QuantityAmountFrom = 1; _pricediscadmtrans.relation = TradeAgreementType; _pricediscadmtrans.UnitId = cells.item(i, 12).value().bStr(); _pricediscadmtrans.UnitId = cells.item(i, 12).value().bStr(); _pricediscadmtrans.insert(); } i++; j++; //print(strfmt("Line %1 is succeeded", i)); } catch { info(strfmt("Line %1 is error for item %2", i, itemid)); i++; } ttsCommit; } } } application.quit(); return j; } int ron_ClosedTradeAgreement(PriceType TradeAgreementType) { /* #WinApi #File SysExcelApplication application = SysExcelApplication::construct(); SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks = application.workbooks(); SysExcelWorkbook workbook; SysExcelWorksheets workSheets; SysExcelWorksheet workSheet; SysExcelCells cells; SysExcelCell cell; */ int i=0, j=0; Filename Filename; InventTable invtable; InventDim _inventDim; InventTable _inventtable; PriceDiscAdmTable _pricediscadmtable; PriceDiscAdmTrans _pricediscadmtrans; PriceDiscTable _pricedisctable; //date tgl; int TType; //str FileNamePath; ; startLengthyOperation(); switch(TradeAgreementType) { case PriceType::PricePurch: case PriceType::LineDiscPurch: case PriceType::MultiLineDiscPurch: case PriceType::EndDiscPurch: TType = ModuleInventCustVend::Vend; break; case PriceType::PriceSales: case PriceType::LineDiscSales: case PriceType::MultiLineDiscSales: case PriceType::EndDiscSales: TType = ModuleInventCustVend::Cust; break; } if (!WinAPI::fileExists(FileNamePath)) throw error(strfmt("@SYS109820", FileNamePath)); if (, false /*Update links*/, true /*Read only*/)) { workbook = workbooks.item(1); workSheets = workbook.worksheets(); workSheet = workSheets.itemFromNum(1); //worksheet keberapa dari excel di mulai dari angka 1 cells = workSheet.cells(); i = 3; while (true) { progress.setCaption('Progress'); progress.setText(strfmt("Row %1", i-2)); progress.setTotal(LengthRows); progress.setCount(i-2, 1); if (cells.item(i, 2).value().bStr() == "" || i > 65536) break; else { ttsBegin; try { //difference starts here - ron itemId = cells.item(i, 6).value().bStr(); while select forUpdate _pricedisctable where _pricedisctable.Module == TType && _pricedisctable.relation == TradeAgreementType && _pricedisctable.itemrelation==cells.item(i, 6).value().bStr() { if(_pricedisctable.ToDate == str2Date("1900-01-01",321)) { if(_pricedisctable.AccountCode == TableGroupAll::All) { _pricedisctable.ToDate = cells.item(i, 18).value().date(); _pricedisctable.SearchAgain = 1; _pricedisctable.update(); } if(_pricedisctable.AccountCode == TableGroupAll::Table) { _pricedisctable.ToDate = cells.item(i, 18).value().date(); _pricedisctable.SearchAgain = 1; _pricedisctable.AccountRelation = cells.item(i, 4).value().bStr(); _pricedisctable.update(); } } } //difference ends here i++; j++; //print(strfmt("Line %1 is succeeded", i)); } catch { info(strfmt("Line %1 is error for item %2", i, itemid)); i++; } ttsCommit; } } } application.quit(); return j; } //rubah di sini //jika mau gunakan utk kepentingan lain, gunakan pricetype:: info(strfmt("%1 data closed", ron_ClosedTradeAgreement(PriceType::LineDiscSales))); info(strfmt("%1 data uploaded", ron_UploadTradeAgreement(PriceType::LineDiscSales))); }