in this age, believe or not, I’m still using x201 thinkpad laptop, but I modified for little things, I expanded the RAM until 6GB, I change the drive from 250GB RPM to SSD 120GB and I remove windows operating system and change it to LXLE Linux
##### ronny@thinkpad ####### -------------- ##O#O## OS: LXLE Linux 18.04.3 64bit x86_64 ####### Host: 3680AL1 ThinkPad X201 ########### Kernel: 4.15.0-106-generic ############# Uptime: 5 mins ############### Packages: 2449 ################ Shell: bash 4.4.20 ################# Resolution: 1280x800 ##################### DE: LXDE ##################### WM: Openbox ################# WM Theme: Arc_OSX Theme: Greenish [GTK2/3] Icons: LXLEmentary [GTK2/3] Terminal: sakura Terminal Font: Ubuntu Mono,monospace 13 CPU: Intel i5 M 560 (4) @ 2.666GHz GPU: Intel Ironlake Mobile Memory: 1487MiB / 5756MiB
suddenly this evening the speaker muted! I tried to restart the laptop but not successed to turn the speaker on
how to fixed it?
I believe this is not caused by hardware failure, so I tried to tuning the linux
this is how:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base pulseaudio sudo alsa force-reload cd .config mv pulse/ pulse.old/ shutdown -r now
and it works
[wpstatistics stat=usersonline]